Friday, September 28, 2018

Pillows from the Past

I love making Pillows!  With a little effort you can really set a room off with a few pillows.

Here are a few I made and sold back in the day..

Now I make pillows for fun..

      These are just a small sampling of a few, I have many more pics to post but those are still on my old computer which I have not Unpacked.. LOL...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A perfect purse for our lil pooch!

Was quite a adventure designing and sewing this carrier for our Chihuahua.

Used some Vintage Tablecloth pieces with a Latin Flair... pockets here and there along with some spicy green flannel and she ready to load with our fur baby.


Friday, August 24, 2018

Fast  Forward to 2018, Gabriel is now 7 and has a beautiful Sister named Lily
he also has 2 cousins named Luna 3  and Ayden 19 months.  

 If you ever get a chance to plan a trip to the Alameda Point Antique Faire, its totally worth the effort!

 Many Treasure await you.  I bought one of these Reprinted Blueprints for Rogers Office.
I will post a pic of the final result.

You can find most anything you are searching for.  Home Decor, Jewelry, Fabrics, you name it..

Its the 1st Sunday of Every Month.